Saturday 7 August 2010

blur blur~

first, say about my exam result!
omg!juz like the shares up!down!up!down!
can't control   @@
this time's try exam not so hard but i dun know why my result was so down
really wan 2 cry liao!
pemahaman --- 83% last time 78% still have a little improve
penulisan---60% how i cn get the worst result? last time 72% this time lose to many people

pemahaman --- 68%  last time 70% i hate this result! y can i lose till like tat
penulisan---78% wth the teacher dun give me mark juz the 2 mark only if not i have 5A liao!!

86% satisfied coz last time also 86%

93%  ---degeneracy last time 96% but still A la ... ok lo~

Science (favourite subject)
86% --- also degeneracy... last time 90% haiz...


so now & last time also took same A (4A)
'hate' jeen ...
get 5A's herng!

n the ccc (know?)
choose me to go to the 美齿比赛
he said the black skin's people's teeth is white wan!
'kek' sei yan! (气死人)
me, Yap Lu Song, Ng Yi-Xiun
had to take this competition

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